Josh Gasan Josh Gasan

The Lord of the Rings: Age of Kings

After the events of the ‘Age of Fellowship’, war has come to Middle-Earth, and none are free from its effects. Sauron’s forces are rising, and the Men destined to defend against him are woefully unprepared.

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Josh Gasan Josh Gasan

The Lord of the Rings: Age of Fellowship

This first ‘phase’ if that helps you understand what I’m going for is titled, ‘Age of Fellowship’, and follows the events of the Fellowship of the Ring up to Gandalf the White’s arrival in Rohan. The main reason for this is, apart from the battle of Fangorn Forest, almost all of the members of the Fellowship take a back seat role at this point, allowing the second ‘Age’ to follow other characters stuck in the middle of the war for Middle-Earth.

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Josh Gasan Josh Gasan

I Wrote a Play - And People Have Seen It

It’s a strange experience, reading essentially semi-autobiographical porn to a room full of friends. Cathartic. On Thursday 20 February 2025, that’s exactly what I did. 

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Josh Gasan Josh Gasan

10 Years, 10 Projects: Development of a Writing Style

To those that have visited my old website, this will look a touch familiar. There are some posts from my old website that I’m just not ready to say goodbye to. One of those is a retrospective on the last decade of my life and the writing that got me through it.

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